Mr. Arif: "What do you want to get in your life, Clara?"
Me: "..." "Ehm.." "I want to get my OWN happiness.."
Mr. Arif: "What kind of happiness? Do you mind to tell me specifically?"
Me: "Rrr.. I don't know, all I want is just to be useful for others.."
Mr. Arif: "You want to be useful for others, what will you be then?"
Me: "Eh? I don't know, Sir.. But as I'm here right now I think I could be useful by being a teacher of course. Then, wife, mother... But actually I just want to be useful. No matter what will I be, all I want is to be useful..that's it. That would be my happiness, the greatest thing that I want to get in my life..."
I want to get my OWN happiness. Yes. Really.
Me: "..." "Ehm.." "I want to get my OWN happiness.."
Mr. Arif: "What kind of happiness? Do you mind to tell me specifically?"
Me: "Rrr.. I don't know, all I want is just to be useful for others.."
Mr. Arif: "You want to be useful for others, what will you be then?"
Me: "Eh? I don't know, Sir.. But as I'm here right now I think I could be useful by being a teacher of course. Then, wife, mother... But actually I just want to be useful. No matter what will I be, all I want is to be useful..that's it. That would be my happiness, the greatest thing that I want to get in my life..."
I want to get my OWN happiness. Yes. Really.